Happiness is A Choice
I just returned from my annual coach conference in Indianapolis, Indiana.
If you follow me at all on social media, you know that leading up to this event, I was THIS close to cancelling my trip and just staying home and hibernating…hormones had me ENTANGLED in doubt and fear {sisters, you know what I am talking about!}. I confided in a close friend that I had so many thoughts about not attending. I knew it’s Satan attempting to claim my thoughts, and my hormones always affect me this way, but I wasn’t fully prayed up. Prepared for the attack. But God spoke very clearly to me that I NEEDED this event to invest back into my business. So 24 hours before I was to depart, I had peace! That’s our GREAT God for you, isn’t it???
So, I WENT! And once the decision was made, I was FILLED with HOPE and EXCITEMENT for what God was gonna do in my heart and for my TEAM!!!!!
The purpose of this event is to LEARN & to GROW!!!! Working my online faith and fitness business from my home is GLORIOUS and allows me to be so much more PRESENT with my family, but it can also get lonely. So, taking time to fellowship with my team and other coach friends is VITAL to my business!
{Business Tip: for ANYONE reading this and running your own business, you are not an island! It’s ok to need interaction and support from other team members. That’s how God created us sister! Lean in and don’t go it alone!}
And God didn’t disappoint! The weekend was filled with incredible speakers, special leadership trainings for those of us who qualified, workouts and pics with Super Trainers (these men and women have taught me so much about my body!) and special, laughter filled evenings with my team! It’s so incredible to DREAM big with other women who GET the vision! Who aren’t afraid to step out on faith to make an impact. And being surrounded by these women for 4 whole days is like a shot of adrenaline in the arm!
And one statement keeps sticking out in my memory. Every year, there are some BIG name speakers at this event…{seriously, the small investment I pay to attend this event MORE than pays for itself!} , but Shawn Achors was a new name to me. He spoke on Happiness….sounds too feelsy right…? At least that’s what I thought. But as he spoke, it began to make sense.
The way that we view life. The words that we speak to ourselves. The standards we set for ourself and our belief in God helping us get there becomes reality! Change the way you think and talk to yourself and change your reality!
Sisters, we cannot WAIT for success to define us. To make us happy. To bring us joy.
We MUST choose to believe that we were CREATED on purpose, with a very specific plan for our lives, and that JOY and happiness comes from living in THAT truth! When we realize that we are ALL part of a very SPECIAL puzzle God crafted and that our job is just to trust Him and live out our piece of the puzzle, all the doubt and fear and comparison slip away!
“I want you to think about how all this makes ou more significant, not less. A body isn’t just a single part blown up into something huge. It’s all the different – but – similar parts arranged and functioning together.”
1 Corinthians 12:14 MSG
What if we choose to be happy NOW, sweet sister.
Not when you lose the weight.
Not when you husband looks at you the way you want him to.
Not when you get the raise you think you deserve.
Not when you hit that business goal.
Not when your kids sleep through the night.
We get so focused on eliminating the negative that we forget to to start practicing the positive.
Makes me wanna stand up and SHOUT!!!! Does it you??
Next Year
I am thankful yet again for a company that invests so wholly in us. That teaches us to put our family first, to run our business with integrity and to SPREAD the love around!
I’ve already invested in my ticket for 2019, and I’m working with my team to make sure THEY see the value in growing their business the RIGHT way and with PURPOSE and PASSION as the driving force. Success will come when we honor God with the gifts He has given us. When we Work really HARD with the pockets of time that we have to commit to this business and when we make PEOPLE our mission field!
And I’m currently recruiting for my next 10 TOP coaches on my team! I’m not looking for perfect people or women with a business degree or a perfect life. I’m looking for women with HEART. With a desire to grow something AMAZING that honors God, and creates FREEDOM for your family.
How do you define freedom?
For me, it’s the ability to stay home with my kids and work a business from home within the cracks of my day!
Over the past few years, I’ve watched multiple coaches leave their Full Time jobs to become Full Time coaches, and truthfully, I doubted if it was possible for me….but goes to show you I was RIGHT! I wasn’t capable…but God had a plan!
I never knew there was an opportunity to work from home, running my own business, sharing my story of HOPE on social media, on my terms, on my schedule, working for myself. But Coaching just takes regular people like me and these beautiful ladies and gives us a platform to do BIG things in life1
I don’t have a degree in business
I haven’t mastered social media.
I’ve had to FIGHT to grow and push past my own insecurities.
I’m just a Mom who struggles every day with life, choices, and herself just like you!
The only difference is…
I decided to take a leap.
I decided to take a chance.
I decided to stop wondering WHAT IF.
I always knew I was meant for more.
I realized being my own boss could bust the doors of POSSIBILITY wide open for me and my family.
I always knew I wanted to inspire others to feel confident about themselves and share the love of Christ, I just wasn’t sure how?
If you are looking for a sign…
Or BELIEVE that you are CALLED to go deeper and do more with the the life you are currently living, I want to help you. I want to mentor you. I want to share how I was able to go part time as a teacher, so I could be home more and build a business that allows freedom of time, and freedom of schedule.
I am looking for 10 Momma’s on a mission to change their lives and leave a legacy for their families. I won’t promise every step will be easy. But it will be WORTH it. And I WILL match every step you take!
To be considered, apply below.
Don’t let another year pass by wondering what if…
Take massive action today and create the life God is calling you to!!!