Hammer & Chisel, Week 2
One week down of Hammer and Chisel, and one week down of WHOLE 30 and I truly feel fantastic!
Transitioning to these workouts and meal plan has not been as difficult as I anticipated.
I have most definitely been SORE this past week, but the challenge has been nice. It’s so easy to get into a rut and forget what it feels like to truly push yourself.
And I’m a huge believer that we should constantly be pushing our bodies and challenging them. Otherwise, our metabolism slows. Our progress fades, and for me personally, I need the mental challenge of switching up. Otherwise I get bored and I get sloppy.
And I also have a touch of workout ADD….
And these workouts are fun. And so diverse. I’m sure not to get bored!
I’m excited to see what Week 2 brings in the way of results.
And I’m SUPER excited that I have TWO brand new challenges starting tomorrow for my challengers. One is the Love The Skin You’re In challenge for newbies.
And PHASE 2 begins tomorrow as well! For my veteran challengers who are seeing results, ready to dig deeper and on track to do great things in their health. And we are reading this wonderful book together too! It’s gonna be so good!
If you want in on any of the action, there is still time to join us. My goal is to help as MANY women get into God’s word this year and use it to change their focus on their health. It is NOT just about weight loss. It’s about what we have to GAIN by becoming the woman God created us to be!