Goodbye Summer, Hello Busy!
Sunday afternoon before the first full week of school for ALL of us! Summer is officially over, and that is ok. We had such a wonderful time together as a family. St. Augustine, FL was the perfect family vacation!

Now Fall is right around the corner, and there are so many things to look forward to!
Tomorrow my Mommy & Me challenge group officially begins following their workouts and meal plans, and I am so excited for them! These women have stepped way outside of their comfort zones and are challenging themselves and each other to make small steps toward changing not only their health but also their families!!! They are equipped them with meal plans, prepping videos and ideas to get started.
And tomorrow, I have a free group that begins with some quick and easy ideas for meals, planning and making health a priority for families as this busy season of the year begins!!! We are going Beyond the standard PB&J and finding a few healthy and interesting options to implement! If you would like to be a part of that free group, just click here to join: Beyond the PB & J

I consider myself so blessed to be able to share new ideas and to equip my challengers with the tools to get them started on the road to success. I don’t take this responsibility as a coach lightly. I enjoy doing research and trying new things myself in order to pass them on to my challengers. I have learned to really enjoy investing in myself so that I can be a better coach. My team is rocking this month, and I could not be prouder to be a part of what they are doing to impact the world.
We have already raised $100 for Lehbonheur families who cannot leave their hospital rooms to get food ! How amazing is that? If you haven’t read about that, click here to find out what we are doing!

And now, the craziness begins!!! Lunches, after school sports, homework, camping, FALL!!! I love it, but it is no doubt an exceptionally busy time for us. As I’m sure it is for many. I am buckling down and meal planning, my food is prepped for this week, and I am committed to sticking with what I am doing. My meal plan is on my ipad and I will have it with me this week for reference.
Leftovers will become routine for me this Fall. I plan on making lots of crockpot recipes, prepping them on Sundays so I can throw them in the pot before I leave for work. That will be a huge time saver for me, and definitely keep me from running through the Wendy’s drive thru!!!
I love this new normal for me and my family. I am thankful that my family loves the foods I am cooking. Henry is eating the healthy lunches I pack for him, and we still have balance and enjoy some indulgences!!! Life is all about balance, and I am thankful that God led me to this coaching opportunity, because it motivates me to stick with it!!!!
I am working on my next challenge group that begins Monday August 24th, and is specifically targeted at helping anyone going back to school – moms, dads, students, teachers – with implementing some of the ideas I have mentioned above along with crockpot recipes, healthy lunch ideas, ideas for keeping it all together and more! If you would like to get started with us, please just click on the image below and I will get back with you this week. This group is already full of some people who are READY to get started! Please join us!