Give Up To Go Up
Week 6 is almost complete! Do you ever look back over a journey and think WOW! I mean, I’m actually doing it????
That’s kind of how I feel about this 80 day journey. In the beginning, the path seems so LONG! And unachievable…but when you’re in it…day in and day out…doing the work, you realize what you actually ARE capable of!
I shared with my bootcamp ladies recently that I am GLAD this program is 80 Days! I needed it to be to remind me that I am capable of so much more than short spurts of focus. That my body is NOT just a 21 day investment or a 30 day investment. Or even just an 80 day investment. It’s been ENTRUSTED to me for this brief life by a loving Creator.
“One wise choice can lead to two, can lead to three, can lead to a thousand, can lead to the sweet place of utter dependence on God and lasting discipline.” Lysa Terkeurst
If there’s one thing I’ve learned is that quick fixes and fast changes don’t last. And I talk to women EVERY DAY that tell me the same. They tried some fad diet that shed 12 lbs in a week. And when they stopped, the weight came right back and THEN some!
This verse on my shirt doesn’t say the work was EASY. It says she works HARD!
The work it requires WILL be hard sweet sister. EXPECT it. EMBRACE it.
And lasting change will come! But we gotta be willing to GIVE UP some things in order to GO UP!
“She works hard & makes her arms strong.” Proverbs 31:17
Week 7 Meal Plan
It feels odd even to write those words…but. here we are! Over halfway through! And the food is ON POINT! This past week I had what is called a Refeed Day.
“When you consume carbs, they’re broken down into glucose, or blood sugar. Your body uses this blood sugar as its primary fuel source. Glycogen — carbohydrates that are stored in your liver and muscles — acts as your body’s back-up fuel source.
While hard exercise is obviously great for you, it also breaks you down. If you add a calorie deficit into the mix, things can get rugged: Those glycogen stores become depleted, your body exists in more of a stress state, and it wears you down mentally.
Physically, you can address the situation with proper rest and recovery. Dietarily, it’s a little trickier. Obviously, you can eat more, but if you’re trying to lose weight, porking out to feel better was how you got in this mess to begin with.
So you want to be a little controlled about it — that’s where refeed day comes in.
Don’t mistake this with a cheat day; on a cheat day, you just go for it and eat a bunch of untargeted garbage.” Beachbody blog
Refeed day was fun…I had bagels, sourdough sandwich, corn flakes and peanut butter crackers!! Get to do that again in two weeks!

Week 7 Meal Plan B
The Workouts
The workouts have increasingly gotten tougher. Not in a bad way, because along with them, I am getting stronger!
Seriously, though. Moves I never could have imagined! Sliders, bands, weights, body weight workouts. It’s ALL there! And the Cardio Flow….oh my! Talk about challenges.
But it’s been so BEAUTIFUL to see the change happen and to see my challengers grow with me. Linking arms with these women as we tackle these workouts together is AMAZING! There is nothing like going through a new regimen with others who are walking the same road! It’s one of the reasons I decided to become a coach. I NEED that extra level of accountability to PUSH me and keep me focused. Never doubt the power of having a TRIBE of women who love Jesus, want to honor Him in how they treat their bodies and who REFUSE to give up!! (insert goosebumps )
Is It Your Time?
Maybe you’ve been watching me go through this program or talk about my bootcamps and you’ve been super curious about joining a tribe of women too.
I’m doing something I’ve never done before to make sure I’m reaching the women God is calling me to by offering 4 15 minute 1:1 calls every Thursday to discuss the aspects of the home workouts and meal planning and superfoods my ladies follow.
No commitment necessary to chat with me. I know this works, and I want to help YOU discover if it would work for YOU!
If not, no worries. I love getting to meet and talk to women all over the world who want to become the best version of themselves possible. Is that you sister? Do you have health goals you’re committed to but struggling to reach on your own?
Maybe you’re reading this because God connected us on purpose! Let’s chat!
Fill out this form here to schedule a 1:1 call with me any Thursday!