Fully Known & Loved
I’m fully known and loved by You
You won’t let go no matter what I do
And it’s not one or the other
It’s hard truth and ridiculous grace
To be known fully known and loved by You
I’m fully known and loved by You
~ Tauren Wells
And just like that! 8 weeks of LIIFT and HIIT is over!!! I didn’t record anything. Just pumped up the praise music and sweated it out in WORSHIP to my God! 🙌🏻
I’m always in AWE of what He teaches me through the workout programs. There’s always something unexpected. Something that brings me to my knees. Something that reminds me that I am HIS! Imperfect but perfectly LOVED!
Some may find it odd that I find Jesus in my sweat sessions or in how I view my food. And that’s ok. I would have as well 4 years ago. But now I view this body as just another tool to worship Him!
My ladies in this first test group we completed are CRUSHING it!! Each one shares something new with me daily that is motivating the heck out of me to share more with you! I’m gonna be sharing their results this week as they come in, but for now here are MY RESULTS! I lost 7.25 inches in 8 weeks and loved every minute of these workouts! I even had at least one treat meal 🍪
🍦 every week!
We are not working out every day & we are not cutting food groups!!! We have just been sweating it out 4 days a week (some more of they choose), eating yummy WHOLE foods that fuel our bodies and seeking a healthy MINDSET as much as a healthy weight. 👌🏻🌱
Ans I am on a MISSION to help you find that healthy mindset too. I’m recruiting my next 10 NEW babes to join us for Round 2 of this 8 week program and we begin October 1st!
And of course I will hook you up!
➕8 Weeks of Helping you Meal Plan…
➕8 Weeks of Workouts…
➕Healthy Recipes…
➕Meal Prep Tips
➕Daily Inspiration and Motivation to balance our busy lives as much as our health…
➕And an INCREDIBLE army of women rising up to love their bodies because Christ loved them first! and encouraging you to do the same
Sound like something you’d love to be a part of?!?!? Yeah…I thought so!
And????? For all the chicks who complete this 8 week program together, I’m gonna gift you with a special tank you will ROCK with those new muscles you’re gonna gain!
RSVP here 📲