Five Time Management Tips for Working Homeschool Moms
Where my other homeschool mamas at who love to work too???
I thought maybe I was a rarity until I started to get messages from other business building moms who are providing for their families WHILE homeschooling!
God called us to homeschool three years ago, and while it has proved a challenge, it is one of my favorite YESes I’ve ever given to God!
If you didn’t know, there is no way we would be able to afford for me to stay home if I didn’t work and contribute to our income, so PRAISE GOD He dropped a business I can work from anywhere in my lap 8.5 years ago!
I’m still LOVING that business and WORKING it consistently, but it has been a FIGURE IT OUT as you go kind of three year.
I FINALLY feel like I have a system and peace in the balance between homeschool and work, so I thought I’d share my top 5 time management tips if you work from home too!

Five Time Management Tips
- Prioritize family time. As an enneagram 3w2, it’s easy for me to put work first, but I know that isn’t my PRIMARY mission field right now. My family is. So, when I sit down to plan my week, I plug in family time and down time first!
- Plan for the WORK. There are basic behaviors/tasks we MUST get done if our business is to grow, thrive and provide. PLAN to do those before anything else in your business.
- Choose which trainings you will be on. If your company or team is anything like mine, there is an abundance of training opportunities. It’s easy to think you need to be on them ALL, but choose one or two that will help you grow your business each week the most! Learn and DO!
- Use a timer for your daily vital behaviors. This helps prevent scrolling and improves efficiency!
- Communicate. It’s so important to communicate with your family when and WHY you are going to be working. They are part of the vision and the dream too, so it helps to involve them!
Some of my favorite resources for the work:

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Every Wednesday I share my favorite business building tips rooted in the word of God with other business women! It doesn’t matter what company you’re affiliated with! I want to help more Jesus girls get bold about their callings and sharing Christ through the gift of our businesses!