Round 1 of my 21 Day Fix is almost complete! I’ll share my results with you this next week, but the most important thing is that I DID it! It wasn’t perfect, but I was more consistent these past three weeks with my nutrition than I have been for a long time….as hard as that is to admit.
But I think it’s IMPORTANT to admit! I don’t want anyone to ever think changing the way I live has been easy. It is a constant struggle. Some days are easier than others, but I will always be that girl who loves Big Macs and Fries more than tofu….
So, while it has not been terribly difficult for me to get my 30 minute workouts in each day, I am excited to say that I have improved a great deal in my nutrition. And honestly? It came down to asking God to help me!
I’m not sure if I shared this yet or not, but over the winter season, I spent three months on birth control, which PRAISE GOD I was able to give up a few years ago. It makes me so cranky and really I was only ever on it to control my PMDD, but Shakeology and nutrition has helped that so much!
But I did have to try this winter, because I have endometriosis I’m trying to tackle. But after 3 months, I was DONE! It makes me so irritable, unlike myself and really just leaves me feeling numb…not to mention I know it’s not great for me to be on it due to increased risk of stroke.
But while I was on it, another side effect was that I gained 10 lbs! And even after two months of being OFF of birth control, my body STILL had not gotten back to normal! So I decided to go back to where I started, reign in my portions and just really focus on getting my metabolism back on track.
And I’ve been experimenting in that area with some new things. I’ll keep you posted!
Matt Started the Fix With Me!
Last week, Matt decided to join me in committing to the 21 Day Fix! Y’all! That made me so happy! Not because he is overweight, but because he is such a binge eater of sweets, and he always regrets his food choices. And I know that if he continues those eating habits, it will wear on his body.
Henry (8) and me making chips |
And I NEED him! He’s my man! He’s had a fantastic week, and I’m so proud of him for showing up!
In the beginning, I’ll be honest. I started this whole journey for ME! I was tired of feeling bad and looking in the mirror and hating what I saw. But I quickly realized my health and my choices affected more than just me. My whole family began to benefit from the choices I was making, and now I include them!
I used to be the snack food queen. If it was fast and easy, and quite frankly Processed, we had it in our pantry to make life easier. But as I began to change my eating habits and really begin to learn more about clean eating a few years ago…..which, by the way wasn’t as horrible as I imagined….I realized pretty quickly that the things in my pantry I was feeding my family were probably NOT the best options.
So, how is our life different in this area than it was three years ago?
Enter Meal prep Sundays!
On Saturday and Sunday, after I’ve meal planned and been to the grocery store, I automatically come home and start prepping. It’s nothing complicated. I’m not creating gourmet meals most days.
Seriously its just boiling some eggs. Bagging some cleaned veggies. Cooking some meat. And throwing together some salads. But it’s made all the difference.
No hidden sugars
No chemicals
No preservatives.
Just good, whole food for our family.
And I recruit the boys to help! Not to punish them, but to teach them.
Henry LOVES to make sweet potato chips. So instead of buying a bag from the store (which we do on occasion), we make our own! That way, momma knows what is in them, and Henry gets to help! And he will eat the mess out of them! Partly because he loves them, and partly because he’s proud of the work that he did!
Now, in total transparency, we DO sometimes have things like Oreos or potato chips in our pantry. But 80% of the time, we keep it clean or find cleaner options.
I cannot always be with my boys and choose for them, but my prayer is that teaching them early the value of good food and taking care of their bodies, they will make their OWN wise choices in the future!
So, I want to encourage you. If you’re reading this right now, and you’re thinking I WANT that!
I want to feel better about myself and the choices I’m making!
I want to help my family become healthier along side me.
I want STOP dieting and START changing my daily habits and create a lifestyle that STICKS!
Please reach out to me! My goal is to help as many women and especially mommas make changes Like I have. You can email me at or leave me your info below and I’ll get back with you this week.
Part of my purpose and ministry is to run online accountability groups focusing on ALL of the things I’ve mentioned above. Meal planning and prepping, exercise, family friendly meals, and above all else, inviting God into the journey with you! And i have a brand new group beginning Monday, May 15th for anyone who wants to commit alongside me!
Don’t wait for the PERFECT time to start. There isn’t one, I’m afraid. Just jump in and commit to at least 21 days with me!
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