You are Fine, Cause You Are Mine – Jesus
Week 11
How in the WORLD??? We are moving into Week 11 of my 80 day program, which means just 3 more weeks! Ah! It has truly gone by so fast! And I don’t say that about a lot of programs, but this one has been my JAM!!!! I love the workouts, the food, and my #obsessedbabes! We are having fun and getting results and changing the way we think about our bodies and food!
I will be honest….this past week has NOT been my best week. For the first time in a LONG time, my PMDD has reared its ugly head, and I was so cranky and emotional! I cannot really explain it or understand, but I know I allowed it to get me off track. Not proud of it, but not letting it define me. It took me back a good bit in my results and today I woke up missing some abs….
It’s a new day with new choices though, and I’m moving FORWARD and not looking back.
Thankfully, over the past few years I HAVE learned to expect more of myself.
To quit on myself less.
And it’s paying off.
This past week of eating OFF plan and just HALFWAY pushing in my workouts does NOT define me! ❌
What does define me is that God has given me the STRENGTH to step out and try again. To be brave enough to share the struggle with my #obsessedbabes and ask them to hold me accountable.
To remember that every time I quit on me, I show my kids that is acceptable….when it is NOT!
You Are Fine, Cause You Are Mine
This past month’s bootcamp has been focusing on Elimination. Eliminating certain foods but also eliminating destructive mindsets we create for ourselves. And this past week, we focused on COMPARISON. I see you cringing friend…don’t worry. We all struggle with it, but I wanted to share the same message I shared with my gals….
“But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
⭐️Because God was willing to sacrifice his Son for you, he has declared once and for all that you are worthy!⭐️
The fact that he was willing to pay such a HIGH price for you means you are VALUABLE!!! So every time we compare ourselves to the magazine cover or the girl in the dressing room next to us, we’re questioning something that God has already invested in greatly!!!!
Look 👀 in the mirror today and say “ I AM VALUABLE!” ….heck, WRITE it on the mirror so you don’t forget!!!!!! 💕💕💕
Week 11 Meal Plan
So….with ALL that I’ve got a plan of attack for this week!
- Meal Plan is READY
- I’m waking up each day and journaling my intentions for the day after my devotions
- I’m reading a devotion about Be Brave and loving it! We gotta be BRAVE in our choices ladies!
- I’m focusing on getting 7+ hours of sleep, because without enough sleep, mama is cranky…
- I’m sharing my daily progress photo in our bootcamp for accountability and we are FOCUSING on our choices!
I love this program so much, I’m going ahead and committing to Round 2 after we get back from Mexico in April. But until then, a lot of you guys have contacted me about starting it or getting prepared for it. So I’m doing something I don’t get to do a lot and opening a FREE weeklong group for you guys to TRY IT OUT!
If you’re in for this bootcamp, apply below! I’m excited to share what I’ve learned! And it’s perfect to follow up after Easter Weekend!!!!! I see you Mr. Cadbury…..