So, this is the first family camping trip we have been on since I have been trying to stick to our clean eating lifestyle. Now, I am not going to force my children to eat tofu around the fire or anything, so don’t expect a post about that :)!
We. Love. Camping!!!!! And everything associated with it, but I did want to try to stick as closely to our healthy lifestyle as possible, so I tried to come up with some things that were simple and would be easy to pack in a cooler, take hiking, and cook on the grill. All in all, it was a very successful trip…definitely too short, but it was worth it to be back at church Sunday morning.
Every fall for the past few years, our young adult Sunday Schoolers have been camping at Piney Grove. This year was no exception. A lot of the faces were different, because God has grown our church tremendously in the last year, which is nothing short of AWESOME!!!! It has been so much fun to see our little group grow and flourish. We have made new friends; our kids have made new friends, and in the midst of it all, the old ones are still there. There are really no words to describe it. I either get a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach thinking about it, or my arms and legs are covered in goosebumps…You may think growth in a church is nothing outrageous, but the thing is that we began praying for it, and God showed up in a HUGE way…like He is prone to do when we are asking things in His will.
I digress…back to camping! Prepping for the trip took a little time, that I didn’t have, so I took off Friday. I took the boys to school, hit the grocery store, and began packing! Our food list included:

- Sirloin steaks (to grill)
- Corn salad (of course)
- Whole wheat baguette
- Shakeology!!
- Sandwich bread
- Turkey meat
- Hummus
- Sliced bell peppers
- Canteloupe & Grapes
- Boiled eggs
- Cashews
- Donuts for the boys’ breakfast (it’s tradition)
- LOTS of water!
- Cranberry juice
- The makings of S mores (it’s not a camping trip without them!)
That is pretty much it! Pretty simple, right? I though so..
All of our non-perishables packed away neatly! |
All we had to do then, was just hit the road and have FUN! We go there early Friday afternoon, set up our tent, and waited for our friends to arrive. It is always difficult for me to unwind at first, but it doesn’t take long. There is little to no cell service where we camp, so that was a nice little gift from God! I enjoyed playing, discovering and snuggling with my boys. We grilled out and hung out Friday night with friends and hit the sack around 10:00 p.m. I went to sleep with the two cuties:
and woke up to this view!
I love God’s creation! |
Matt let me sleep in a little, because the boys were up an at ’em pretty early, but they made sure I had an appropriately timed wake up call..
Wake up, Momma! |
I am truly thankful for time with my friends and family. God is good…ALL the time!
My Milo fisherman |
Henry fishing..They live for it! |
Playing in Aunt Beth’s camper. |
The greatest camper of them all! My Man! |
Alina John
June 25, 2015 at 2:44 pmNote if you have to prepare for a tent accommodation or if there are huts or resorts where you can stay in.Tent select