Day 42 of No Sugar or Alcohol!
I kinda thought 40 was gonna be my year of going deeper with Christ… but that didn’t exactly happen! Which just goes to show you that our plans are not always God’s plans. And that my strongholds pulled me down in new ways during year year of C*vid!
However, in spite of myself and my own strongholds, God is breaking through into my heart in a big way in year 41!
If you’re new to this blog or this part of my journey, I committed to 365 day without sugar or alcohol on my 41st birthday, and today is Day 42!
Yeah, I still have a long way to go, but I’m not even thinking that far ahead or counting down the days until it’s over. I’ve done those kind of fasts before. Where it was really about just “Getting it over” so I could go back to the way I was living before.
Sounds crazy when I type that out.. but I always promise to be totally honest with you!
Back to Day 40. Doesn’t that number just make you excited?
There are so many references to 40 days. Lent, a 40 day spiritual fast of self-discipline, is actually modeled after Christ’s 40 day fast in the wilderness before He faced Satan (Matthew 4).
Now, I’m not Jesus, but I do know that his life was an example for mine, and to make it to day 40 causes me to want to shout and celebrate the JOY I have discovered from walking with HIm these past 40 days!
Things I’ve learned about myself:
- I don’t need sugar or alcohol to celebrate.
- My mind created some powerful habits around these two things that are hard to break!
- I sleep better without sugar or alcohol.
- I am saving money by giving these things up!
- I have discovered a tendency to replace these with something else.
Things I’ve learned about God:
- He wants ALL of me.. not just a few things.
- He is so faithful to hear my prayers and speak!
- He gives us fasting as a way to find freedom in Him.. not as punishment.
- His Word is FULL of the discipline of fasting! (why have I not taken this seriously until now?)
I actually recorded a podcast with lots of scripture references regarding fasting and how God has used this spiritual practices for years and years to reveal Himself and equip those He calls to do His work!
I pray this encourages you in some way. Not to follow me, but to lean in and listen to see if God is calling you deeper with Him in some way….to shut out the world in order to hear Him more closely!
What questions do you have for me about this journey? I’m an open book!