How to Create a Habit of Faith
In the quiet spaces. That’s where I hear Him.
As a busy mom of boys, an entrepreneur, seeking to serve my husband in his ministry, in between the loads of laundry and never ending dirty and clean dishes, it can be hard to hear Him. I know 1 Thessolonians 5:17 tells us to “pray without ceasing”, and trust me I do…but I need QUIET!
My brain never stops, and multi-tasking is not a setting my brain works well on….
I learned a few years ago, that if I’m going to grow in my faith. In my walk with Christ, I have to get INTENTIONAL about seeking Him out. He’s always there when I seek Him, but my heart must be postured toward Him so I can hear.
Recently, QUITE a few other busy ladies have messaged me lately asking me what my “quiet time” looks like. For you new believers or anyone not raised in a the church, that just means getting alone with Jesus. It’s a BEAUTIFUL time, but one that was so difficult for me to carve out for too long. In the beginning I was too immature in my faith to really crave that time or even to know to seek it out. Then my babies came along, and there was NO time longer than 10 minutes that wasn’t filled with crying, nursing, dirties, spit up, bath time, etc. And all the other hours I had were filled by work, sleep, and being wifey! (Not complaining in the least! My family is my LIFE and such a gift!)
But as I’ve grown older, and my kids have as well. I’ve come to realize that I NEED time alone with God. To pray through the fears and seek forgiveness. To learn to know Him more. To listen….just to be still and listen to what His word is teaching me.
So a few years ago, I got serious about it. I set up a routine. I carved out some time, and today, that sweet hour that starts my day is the most precious time I have. And I wouldn’t trade it for all the sleep in the world!
Yep! 4:15 am is my wake up call and my date with Him every day!
Tips for finding your quiet time and carving out a Habit of Faith. 
Expect God to show up – God wants nothing more than a heart that is EXPECTANT to receive Him. By simply beginning our day with a heart that is postured to receive Him, you open the door to let Him in! Praise Him. Thank Him. Seek His forgiveness and ask Him to speak. He will show up if you do!
“Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” John 16:24
Find your Spot – Find a quiet spot. One that is familiar and a place you can look forward to meeting with God each day. I have a comfy chair in my office, but sometimes I like to get alone with Him outside on the patio. It doesn’t matter where, but make it YOUR place.
Unplug – I love devotions that I receive through email or on some of my favorite apps, but my phone is a distraction. I devote 20-30 minutes simply reading directly from God’s word…my hard copy, if you will. This prevents me from being distracted by dings, or notifications or the temptation to open FB and see who else is posting about their quiet time. And God’s word comes alive!
Follow the example Jesus gave us in Matthew 14:23 “And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone,”
If the Son of God needed to be alone, we probably do as well….
Write it Down – As God begins to speak to you, you will WANT to record it. I cannot remember what I ate for lunch, let alone the profound revelations of my God two days ago. (mamas, I know I’m not alone)… so I keep a spiral notebook from Walmart with me to record anything I know I’ll want/need to go back to. Sometimes it’s a lot of words. Sometimes it is a sentence. But it is a treasure to go back and read what God revealed to me later.
Keep it Real – I used to not pray, because I thought I didn’t know how to pray. Growing up in church, I heard some doozies from older men and women. I always wanted to pray eloquently and boldly, but was so afraid to. Now, I’m learning God doesn’t require eloquence. He wants our hearts. Pray openly and directly from your heart when speaking to God. Share with Him the good, the bad, the fears and the triumphs. He wants to hear it ALL.
“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” Ephesians 6:18
If you would like some suggestions on my favorite devotionals to accompany reading God’s word, feel free to email me at janzenrk@gmail.com , and I will share mine…and hopefully I’ll make that another post some day!