Why Coaching Sent me to London!
I am writing this as I sit on a plane somewhere in the middle of the ocean between
Dublin, Ireland and the US.
It is funny what time on a plane with no where to go can cause you to reflect upon.
I am returning from London, England where my health and fitness company, Beachbody, just officially launched into with Shakeology and the coaching opportunity.
Oddly enough, BOTH of these are things I DID NOT want to be a part of 3.5 years ago!
In the Spring of 2014, I found myself tired, with high cholesterol, horrible periods and hormones, and at the very TOP of my BMI.
I was uncomfortable and about to have to buy NEW clothes AGAIN….because mine were getting too tight.
Sound familiar anyone??? I had dieted off and on for YEARS and was always willing to find a quick fix. Something to drop the weight quickly and without thought. Fad diets, forcing myself to be sick, liquid meals all day long, you name it, I tried it. But at 33 years old with a precious family, I knew I needed to take care of me the RIGHT way and for the LONG haul.
And enter Beachbody. That “expensive” shake I refused to buy turned out to be my nutritional lifeline. I found workouts I could do from home with my babies. I didn’t need to pay for a gym. I found a way of eating that was WHOLESOME and GOOD for my body instead of quick and destructive! And it worked! My cholesterol plummeted in under a year. My hormones became managable, the weight came off.
But more than that, I found a COMMUNITY of women who were just like me. Tired of being tired and READY for change. These women supported me in my health journey and cheered me on when I wanted to quit. They didn’t judge me when I had the brownie, and they would NOT let me quit.
Enter Coaching! That thing I REALLY didn’t want to do. But I felt God nudging me to try it. Matt and I prayed, and I had his support. And I quickly realized that this was something I COULD do. I COULD stay up a little later to message a mom wanting help. I could post my sweaty selfie to motivate another woman wasn’t happy with where she was at. I could STICK with portion control and clean eating and show my family the way. I could get used to this chocolate milkshake for breakfast that was CRUSHING my sweet tooth and cost way less that what I had been spending on breakfast and Diet Cokes throughout the day.
London, England
So where does the UK come in??? Well, just last week I got to be a part of this amazing opportunity being LAUNCHED to the citizens of the UK. Women like me. Who are tired and confused and unsure where to start. Women like me who want to live out a PURPOSE greater than themselves. Women like me who are EXCITED to have this opportunity to earn an income while their children are asleep or in school and HELP other women.
It was so wonderful to be there with my team and MEET these women! To hug their necks and SHOW them how to get started! I even got to meet a new coach on Team Take Heart! It was incredible!
We kicked off with LIVE workout in Hyde Park followed by a night of training for the FOUNDING coaches in the UK! Loving on them. Sharing our stories and training on the SPOT!
Saturday morning was the OFFICIAL kick off ceremony for the UK {which includes Northern Ireland and Scotland!} And I was able to meet with many of the 1,300 new UK coaches who signed up THAT week! It’s exciting to see other people get PASSIONATE about inspiring others to become their best version of themselves by WORKING hard to make healthy changes. Not just wishing for it or looking for some quick fix, but truly desiring change and going after it!
And while I was there, I was able to spend time with my precious family that I have not seen in YEARS!
As I reflect on this past week, I’m in awe of how God has used that sad pitiful individual I was three years ago and my $160 investment that has turned into something that has MORE than matched what I earn as a college history instructor….I’m not great at math, but I’d say that my investment PAID off!
Seriously though, if you’ve been watching and wondering what I do. Or you can ENVISION yourself taking care of yourself and your family and helping other women do the same.
I’m asking you to STOP watching and just JOIN me! Our team is on FIRE, and the trainings and support you gain as a coach will blow you away!
Join my New Coach University
Starting Monday, October 30th, I’m teaming up with some of the TOP coaches in the entire network to train our newest class of coaches.
I’m looking for women who
- love their bodies enough to FIGHT for them
- want to inspire other women to do the same
- desire a MISSION and a PURPOSE that expands beyond what you’re doing now {It’s ok mamas to desire more 🙂 }
- love God and are willing to love on other women by encouraging them and supporting them
- are teachable and willing to WORK HARD and set GOALS
- don’t back down from a challenge
- ready to create a life by God’s design and on your own time table.
- want to build an income from home or to earn some extra spending or travel money!
- loves to TRAVEL!!!!
I took ACTION and I am forever grateful that my coach shared this opportunity with me and I have made it my commitment to pay it forward to others…besides, it would just be silly of me to keep it all to myself. And just MEAN!
If you want to join us and this revolution of fit mamas earning an income while making an impact, send me your info below and we will chat!