Coaching & How I Make It Work For Me
People usually seem pretty surprised when they find out that in addition to coaching, I work a full time job as a college instructor. I know it sounds a little crazy and inconceivable, but honestly, if you love something, you make it work, right?
Coaching is something that has added so much value to my life. I have often felt like there existed some untapped potential within me to help others and to fulfill God’s purpose for me. Well, it wasn’t until I was 33 that I discovered it, but here it is none-the-less! Coaching is immeasurably rewarding for me!
I, myself, know the struggle is all too real. To figure out what to do when your metabolism begins to slow more and more. When your pants aren’t too small to wear, but too small to be comfortable anymore…despite the diet you’ve been on. I know what it feels like to beat yourself up when the scale continues to go up and up. When there seems to be absolutely NO way to get back into shape.
Trust me, I’ve been there!
And now, I get to help support other people in this same struggle! Friends, neighbors, strangers, whomever! I get to be part of their solution, which is beyond rewarding!! Does it require time and energy? Absolutely! But the benefits far outweigh the cost!
Here is what a typical day looks like for me:
4:45 AM – My alarm goes off! ( I am an early morning person, so I don’t mind this). I mix up my E & E, and reach for my Bible. This is my quiet time with God, and it is by far my favorite part of my day! I drink my E & E while I read and pray. 15 minutes later, I am good to go!
5:00 AM – I check in with my challengers and respond to messages.
5:15 AM – I am dressed and ready. I push PLAY on my workout.
5:50 AM – I make my Shakeology and shower and get ready for work.
6:45 AM – I leave my house for work.
8 AM – 3 PM work (I devote about two 15 minute breaks to check ins and usually spend my lunch hour posting, blogging, and responding to potential challengers and brainstorming!)
4 PM – 8 PM family time
8 PM – 10 PM team calls, professional development, etc.
10 PM – Bedtime!
Yes, it is incredibly busy, but honestly, I have never felt so fulfilled. In both my personal and professional life. The skills and tools I have learned as a coach trickle over into my personal life as well as into my job as a teacher.
- stay accountable to myself and my own fitness (I can’t and won’t ever tell other people to do something that I’m not myself doing daily!)

- I am a “product of the product”. I believe in these programs and Shakeology, because they have worked for me! I am simply sharing my story and my successes!
- To push myself outside of my comfort zone and grow professionally and in my faith!
- I have grown to love doing things that scare me a little. Like posting about my progress on social media or setting big goals and pushing hard to reach them! God has guided me all the way, and even when I fail to meet a goal, I know that I have helped someone along the way, and I try again!
- I have made some of the BEST friends since coaching! People who lift me up and are always encouraging me on this journey. My team of coaches is always there for me with ideas, support, and prayer! It’s funny, because one of my closest friends I have made actually lives in Washington state, but I know she is always just a message or phone call away when I need her input. We pray together and have put together some pretty incredible challenge groups. We would have NEVER met if it had not been for coaching. (the reality of this just hit me as I typed it…Kristina, I am so thankful God placed you in my life!)
As I said before, it’s not about being perfect, knowing everything or even being at your goal weight. It’s about being real, being just as honest about your challenges as you are about your success, and being committed to helping people. If any of those things is true of you, you can find a way to make this business work for you.
So, if you have any questions about coaching, are even a little curious about whether coaching might be something you want to explore, or want to talk more about what coaching on the Dream Team could look like for you, I’d love to chat.