
Clean Eating on a Budget

Clean Eating on a Budget

This is a question/objection that I get a lot.  How do I eat clean when it’s so expensive?

And truthfully, I used to have the same thoughts. But I have found that a lot of my beliefs were misconceptions. And of course, making a dinner of salmon, quinoa and veggies is going to cost a little more than a $1 burger from McDonalds, but I’m not even gonna go there…

Here are some of my tips for saving money on a Clean Eating budget!

1. Buy in-season produce.  During harvest time, the costs of in-season produce drops dramatically based on the increased availability.  If you’re not sure which fruits and vegetables are in season, ask someone in the produce department.  During summer months, strawberries, stone fruits (peaches, apricots, cherries and plums) and melons are some of the best values.

In the Fall, squash, brussel sprouts, cabbage, pumpkins, sweet potatoes are all in season!  And honestly, I believe that our bodies benefit from switching out the foods we eat, so that we can gain the different nutrients God created for us! It’s a win/win

2. Know when to NOT buy Organic.  Organic is such a craze.  And sometimes a good one, but there are definitely certain foods that do not need to be consumed in organic form.  Certain foods such as corn, onions, pineapples, avocadoes, and cabbage absorb a very minimal amount of chemicals.
Some foods you WANT to buy in organic for include apples, strawberries, grapes, celery and peaches.  So definitely splurge on those.

3. Buy Store Brands.  Now, I’m a name brand girl when it comes to my clothes and shoes….BUT not so much in my food.  You really don’t have to sacrifice quality when choosing store brands.  I absolutely LOVE Kroger’s store brand goods.  If you life near a Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Wegmans, or Publix, dig in!  Buy the store brand!

4. Buy in Bulk. Makes sense right? If you live near a Sams Club or a Costo, make a weekly or monthly trip and stock up on the foods you and your family ALWAYS eat! Things like bread, grains, beans, spices and olive oil can help cut costs. I buy meat in bulk and freeze it.  My staples that I buy for our family at Sams include:


  • Canned Tuna
  • Spices
  • Bread
  • Frozen Waffles
  • Chicken
  • Ground Turkey
  • Almond Butter
  • Nuts
5. Take advantage of frozen convenience.  Going back to #1, even though all produce is not seasonal year round, you can still buy and freeze!  Invest in a small deep freeze. Most of us have an extra fridge in the garage!  Use that space.  Take your kids to pick strawberries and blueberries in the summer months and freeze them for the winter.
6. Save some for later.  Leftovers are my JAM!!!  Our meals are not super costly usually anyways, but we almost always eat leftovers.  So a meal that costs $10-15 for a family of four becomes even more cost effective when it becomes leftovers for the next day! And some leftovers freeze really well!  Muffins, casseroles, soups are all meals that freeze and keep for a month or two!
7. Mealplan!!! If you know me, you know I am all about creating a weekly meal plan. I used to spend tons of money buying fresh produce when I was “ready” to get healthy. And 9 times out of 10, that food went to waste in my fridge and ended up in the garbage….ugh!  Literally $$$$ down the drain!
Creating meal plans for yourself and your family goes a long way in conserving funds and making sure you are eating what you’re buying!  It doesn’t have to be complex. It can just be family dinners for the week.  It can be lunch for you and your kids. But making a plan and then a grocery list JUST for the foods on your plan will save you SO much money!

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