Business Boutique Weekend Retreat!
Good morning! I am really working harder to get back to sharing regularly here on the blog! I’ve slacked a little, but I find so much JOY in writing about what God is doing in my life here! Any other bloggers…if you have tips for me on making this a regular thing, I’m happy for help! Just email me!
Business Boutique Women’s Conference
This past weekend, my team and I traveled to Nashville! I drove, because it’s super close to me, but some flew in from all over the country! It was a retreat for some of the leaders on my team, and I LOVED treating them to some faith based business building action!
I had never attended this event, but it is hands-down one of the best ones I have been to!
Christy Wright is part of Dave Ramsey’s team and her heart and passion for serving women in business is catching!
Her goal is to simply teach women to earn an income doing what they love! And I love that! There is no shame in having something to call your own mama.
We shouldn’t feel guilty for hiring a sitter for a few hours a day or a week to put our hand to work that God has called us to. That He has gifted us to do. I know she’s an overused example (well, really no passage of God’s word can be over used), but look at the Proverbs 31 woman!
At the event, we heard fabulous speakers like Annie F. Downs, Emily Ley, and Amy Jo Martin share their stories of success, strategy and how to build a business with integrity and purpose!
It was a much needed watering for this mamas soul!
My team and I walked away refreshed and on fire to go and serve more women in health and fitness! Because that is what we believe we have been CALLED to do. And shame on me if I fail to use the gifts God gives me, because I’m tired, lazy, afraid or cannot stop comparing myself to others! (All things I have to work through at some point or another!)
My work philosophy?
Work HARD & REST well
I made a decision about a year into my business. I could either work when I FELT like It and spend the rest of the time binge watching TV and scrolling social media and WISHING I had the business other people had.
OR I could work really HARD with the hours and pockets of time God gave me and rest my head on my pillow at night knowing I had accomplished what He called ME to each day.
I will NEVER apologize for loving to work.
For finding my passion for serving others.
For finding systems that are EFFECTIVE in helping women be healthier.
For believing that social media can be a mission field.
For mentoring other women I know God has called to do what I do as a health and fitness influencer.
Cause it’s where I stepped out of a life of wondering and into a CALLING God placed on my life.
“First thing in the morning, she dresses for work,
rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started.
She senses the worth of her work,
is in no hurry to call it quits for the day.”
Proverbs 31:17-18 (MSG)
But God has also taught me the value of REST and the SABBATH. Rest is harder for me, I’m gonna be honest. But it’s essential to Success just as much as work is.
Seek both.
Honor God with the work and with the rest.
Watch Him do things you never dreamed.
Take the wins and losses as opportunities to learn and grow and always point others to the One who makes it all Matter.
Wanna Go With Me Next Year?
I am currently in the process of filling my New Coach University! If you follow me and are inspired by my story, then others will be inspired by YOURS! I am always looking for passionate, God-fearing, servants who want to make health and fitness a priority in their own lives and will be willing to share their stories BOLDLY to serve others! If that’s you, then check it out! Fill out this application and let’s chat and see if it would be a good fit for you!
My Team and I are also hosting a LIVE Glimpse Into What we Do As Coaches this week! Join this group to follow along and ask your own questions!