Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative
Every month I personally take a small group of women under my wing and share with them what God is teaching me about treating my body as a temple of His Holy Spirit!
And this month, He’s telling me something a little different. Telling me to switch it up and work with the ones who WANT to commit to something that will not only change bodies but will grow our relationship with God while doing the HARD WORK!
So often in my own life and in the lives of the women I get the awesome privilege of working with, our own thoughts and choices work AGAINST us! Doubt, fear, comparison, uncertainty, past failures – they all trip us up and hold us BACK from becoming our BEST selves! From becoming who God has called us to be on this brief time we have on earth!
Did you know that the brain is constantly changing based on what we THINK and DO?????? Isn’t that exciting??? And HOPEFUL!
What if, TOGETHER, we:
Eliminate the junk from our diets
Eliminate the self doubt
Eliminate the comparison game
Eliminate the fear by diving into God’s promises
Eliminate the negative influence we are having on our loved ones by NOT taking care of ourselves…..
I”m gonna be 100% REAL with on you this….ladies, if you aren’t taking care of yourself, you’re NOT taking care of those you love…trust me! I’ve lived both ways, and THIS is far better for me and my family!
I want to HELP YOU:
+stop the crazy dieting cycle by focusing on our Perfecter, not perfection.
+start and FINISH a workout program (we will ALL be doing the same one to keep us committed!)
+ create and FOLLOW a meal plan that works for YOU!
+ stay accountable to being HEALTHY from the inside-out.
+ learn how to eat the foods you LOVE without feeling deprived.
+ become empowered to change your life.
Here’s the thing….I have to be really honest with you and share that for a loooong time I tried doing my fitness journey on my own. And you know what? It’s hard, and it’s exhausting. But when I finally surrendered my struggles to my Creator who promises in Psalm 139 that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I was finally able to find peace! YOU are beautiful and loved, no matter if you’re a size zero or a size 30. You are beautiful just the way you are, but God loves you so much that He doesn’t want you to stay in a place of defeat!
It doesn’t matter where you live, how in shape or out of shape you are, whether you have vacations planned, are traveling for work, or feel like you have zero time to focus on you—I’ve got you because this group is something that God has really laid on my heart and its content is truly my passion and purpose!
– 30 minute workouts of your choosing (we’re going through 2 different programs together & following the meal plans)
– Weekly meal planning and prep (I’ll share MINE if you don’t wanna recreate the wheel!)
– Incorporating Shakeology as a Fast and easy daily NUTRITIOUS meal replacement
– Support and encouragement from a closed community of women in the same season of life as you!
– Fast and easy meal ideas for you and your kids
– Reading God’s word and personal development to GROW our mental and spiritual health!
I’m looking for women who are TIRED of circling the diet mountain and are ready for TRUE CHANGE in their health and fitness that lasts longer than a month!
Our bodies are not a 21 day, or 30 day or 80 day investment! They are ours for a LIFETIME! Grab your spot now by filling out this challenge group application
*Open to ANYONE in US, CA, or UK not currently working with a coach.