A Post Turkey Day Plan!
Day 54
Was it a good week? Gosh I sure did enjoy my time with family and friends!
I even enjoyed the FOOD!
I indulged in things like dressing, dips, carbs my body isn’t used to, and I didn’t regret a single bit.
I have a confession to make too. I did have a little alcohol.
As i’ve been studying the Word on fasting and feasting, I prayed hard over this and discussed it with my prayer parter. God’s word talks a lot about fasting, but it also talks about celebrating and feasting!
I decided since this commitment of mine is so long (365 days), it would begin to feel legalistic if I didn’t allow myself to celebrate certain moments with food! So, I did enjoy a glass of wine on Thanksgiving day and I toasted my stepfather’s 70th birthday with a small flute of champagne! But I DID NOT eat the cake!
(Sugar, you have NO HOLD on me!)

The self-control felt amazing, and there was zero regret that used to come with binging or old volume eating tendencies!
I pray this gives you hope if you struggle from disordered eating like I have!
Now the holiday week is over, and it’s focus time for me and for you, even if you haven’t made a long term commitment to abstain from anything!
Food is amazing.
Food is a gift.
Food can be such a beautiful way to celebrate.
But too much of certain foods can leave us foggy, lethargic and just downright INEFFECTIVE for the work God created us to do.
If you’re feeling any of those things today, let me ENCOURAGE you to refocus, regroup and recommit!
How To Get Back On Track
1️⃣ Journal the good memories from the holiday! Time with loved ones. Eating your Gran’s famous pecan pie. Games after the meal. Putting up the Christmas tree. Dwell on the GOOD!
2️⃣ Track your food this week. Overeating ONE day is not going to derail your progress. But making it a habit WILL! So write down or record in an app all you eat! You’ll be back on track in NO TIME!
3️⃣ DITCH the DIET mentality! Just eat GOOD food. Diets are temporary. You’re in this for the LONG HAUL!
4️⃣ Throw our the leftovers today & map out a meal plan for your week! I’m always happy to share one! Just check the link in my bio!
5️⃣ Pray and ask God to give you a great LOVE for your body that is His temple. He will. I promise!
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Some people let that verse SHAME them into dieting, but I say we allow it SPUR US ON to love our bodies and let our actions flow out of that love!
𝗟𝗲𝘁’𝘀 𝗱𝗼 𝗶𝘁 𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿!
Go throw on some Christmas music, make a meal plan … or use this one... and let’s celebrate this Christmas season like the loved daughters of God we are!