
Getting Ultimate Reset Ready!

Getting Ultimate Reset Ready!

I’m so excited to be getting prepared for the Ultimate Reset!  I am not starting it until October 24th, but I’m reading through my guide and preparing myself mentally.

The food looks amazing, but it’s the prep that will be the most difficult. It is a LOT of very fresh food, so I will have to up my prep game. I’ve fallen into a comfortable habit of preparing a lot of the same foods, which works for me.  But this will be introducing a lot of foods I don’t normally prepare, like beets, miso soup, tempeh, and lentils.

So, why am I doing the Ultimate Reset?

The Ultimate Reset program is spread out over 21 days and designed to detox and cleanse your body of toxins by providing you with nutrient dense whole foods and supplements for a total of 3 weeks. You receive a detailed, daily menu with shopping list guides and great healthy recipes. You also get a combination of five supplements designed to bring your body back to an optimal health level (a.k.a your very own TUNEUP!).


Ultimate Reset PhasesIt is best to look at this program as 3 different phases, each one lasting one week:
Phase 1: Reclaim control over your body and your health by balancing your inner chemistry and preparing your body for the changes you will be experiencing.
Phase 2: Release any toxins you have built up over the years that reside in your tissues.
Phase 3: Restore your optimal metabolism to achieve the maximum efficiency in processing the foods you eat.
After the 3 week, 3 phase program, you will have a better sense of your emotional, as well as, physical well being and improved mental clarity due to the lack of toxins in your body. The program will not always be easy, but nothing worth having is. Never forget that you have a strong support system, including me, to provide support when you are having a rough time sticking with the plan, or if you just have a bad day. We are here to ensure that you reach your desired health and fitness goals! Once you have completed all three phases of the program, you will experience a “transitioning phase,” during which you will have the guidance needed to get you back into the swing of things, eating healthier and staying healthy. You will have the benefit of receiving advice, when needed, on what foods to eat and developing the right exercise plan for you, teaching you to maintain the results you have just accomplished achieving. 


Ultimate Reset ScheduleThe Beachbody Ultimate Reset Plan is fully comprehensive and doesn’t require you to starve yourself to complete the program. It will give you an inner body tune-up that provides greater benefits than other typical detox plans you find on the internet. You will gently and naturally eliminate the toxins that have built up in your body over time, while maximizing cellular energy production and promoting more efficient and healthy digestion, making your bodes systems run more smoothly and leaving you feeling more comfortable in your own skin.
You’ll get a complete meal plan with this program.  21 Days of breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes that you will prep and follow throughout the duration of the program.  There are several tools that we have available to our members that make shopping and prepping a lot easier and some tricks and tips to save time along the way. 

My goals for this program

I am NOT doing this program to lose weight.  I am very content with my current weight and level of fitness, but I have noticed a greater reaction by my body to certain foods.  I believe that it is time to really try to figure out which foods are causing stomach distress as well as inflammation in my joints. 
Food is such a powerful thing to learn about in your health, and I know that we all react differently to different foods.  So, in this program, I will slowly eliminate all dairy, animal proteins and gluten.  As I slowly add them back in, it should alert me to specific sensitivities.  
And honestly, I am very excited about getting started.  I am doing this with a couple close friends of mine, which will help with accountability, and I’m doing it through Halloween!  Which some might think is crazy, but my body does NOT need all that junk  and sugar.  It clouds my brain, worsens my monthly cycle, and causes depression for me.  
If you’re interested in joining us for the reset, I would love for you to!  Just shoot me an email at for more details.  

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