
#bethatgirl Who Inspires

#bethatgirl Who Inspires

I have really been focused on who I am becoming.  In my personal development, my scripture, my time in prayer, God has been revealing ways that He has changed me over the past year.  And as I reflect as well as look forward, I am overwhelmed with gratitude that He uses even me.

When I began as a coach last summer, I wasn’t even sure this was a real thing.  Honestly, I just wanted to save $25/month on my Shakeology and maybe even help pay for it a little.  But then I joined my coach’s training group for new coaches.  She was talking about finding my passion, using my story to encourage and inspire others.  And at the same time, my faith was really being challenged as I dove deep into God’s word.

All of this combined began to change the way I viewed not only my external appearance, but also my internal self.  God was revealing my self-worth.  That He has a plan and purpose for my life, even if it was one that was gonna push me outside my comfort zone…which He most definitely did!  I was pushing Play on my workout dvds, and He was pushing Play on my life!!! It has been incredible to watch and live out!

And I found my passion.  I found my purpose.  I have gotten comfortable being uncomfortable!  Which is definitely new to me.

I started this business literally sitting at my kitchen table.  I work full time as a college instructor, and I started out slow.  With one hour a day.  I had zero business skills, zero social media marketing skills.  I just had the determination to make it work.  To help just ONE person.  And that commitment and passion has paid off!  I was just starting my own personal fitness journey and learning to eat clean, but it was working.  There was hope!  And I decided I wanted to really help others find that hope. And this “thing”, that I didn’t even know was a real job, has turned into that and a ministry for me!  I have been able to help over 100 people this last year.  People who had lost hope. People who were afraid of failure.  People who might not have committed to change without the support of our private challenge groups where there is zero judgement.

I was honestly scared to death.  Scared of sounding like a sales person.  Scared I would run people off with my workout selfies.  But I believed!!! In what I was doing, the workout programs, Shakeology, clean eating.  My life was a reflection that this worked!!! And I began to connect with people.  People who encouraged me and people that I encouraged and my business took off.  I am not bragging on me. I am just sharing that this “What If” venture has turned into something that has benefited me and my family so much!!!

Me and my coach Melanie

We have been able to take vacations we couldn’t afford before.  Pay off bills, buy school clothes and shoes when money would have been tight before. Matt and I are going on an all expenses paid cruise in March 2016 because I used that power hour everyday to build my business from my kitchen table.

And I am thankful.  Thankful for how God has changed ME. Changed my lifestyle.  Changed our finances.  And I want to help others realize the potential this opportunity holds!  Starting Monday, October 26th, I am hosting a closed group that will be a Sneak Peek into this opportunity.  I will answer questions that I know you have, because I had the same ones.  Questions like:

IS this possible?
Is it sustainable?
Could I SERIOUSLY have a job that would allow me to work from Home?
Could I seriously have a job where we could have children and NOT have to send them to daycare EVER?
Could I seriously have a job that I LOVE and that is impacting people in a positive way?!
Could I seriously do something that felt like it had meaning?
I hear questions all the time. Reservations about doing this.  “I don’t have the time.”   But trust me, if you have the drive and the passion to help others, I can TEACH you how to be successful.  I will share my tips and my resources that have helped me achieve success and I will be there with you every step of the way!!! There is great opportunity in this business, but the question is “are you willing?”
Are you willing to let go of the fear of all your objections?
Are you willing to put yourself out there?
Are you willing to have faith that this isn’t just a dream and YOU CAN do this?
Are you willing to trust that I will show you the way?
Because I will! So, starting November 2nd, I am going to be mentoring a small group of new coaches that will join my team through 30 days of training.  I am only opening 5 spots, because I want to make sure I have the time to help you 1:1!!!  This training will be virtual, so you can log in and complete your training at anytime during the day.  We will talk on weekly training calls and talk 1:1 to help you reach your goals.  You will not do this alone!

Are you ready to get started?  To be that girl who shares her  passions, help others, and creates a life by design?  
If so, leave me your information below, and I will get back with you help you get started.  

If you want to join my private 5 day sneak peek into coaching to learn more, add yourself in there by clicking this link:

Fill out my online form.
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