
The Struggle Is Real…and Welcome

The Struggle Is Real…and Welcome

I don’t want anyone who watches me to think that I have it easy.

That my weight loss and love for taking care of myself comes naturally.

It certainly has not always been so.  I am by nature a very self-indulgent person.  I spent years of eating what I wanted, running just because I wanted to, and making choices that were not always healthy for me because I felt like it.

This picture is always so hard to share!!!

I had no idea what an extra 15 lbs would mean for me.  For most of my life I have been naturally thin.  I gained a lot of weight in college, but then I lost it.  And when I started gaining weight a couple of years ago, it floored me! I wanted to eat my Big Mac and fries.  My chicken biscuit, and my cupcakes.  I wanted them! But I was miserable.

My clothes didn’t fit. I was tired.  I was so miserable with how I looked, and I knew that something had to change.

As odd as it may sound, today I am THANKFUL for that extra 15 lbs.  I am grateful I was forced to make changes.  I am grateful that even today, I struggle with keeping the weight off.

It may not appear that way, but I have to work extremely hard to remain at a healthy weight.

Why am I thankful?  For many reasons!

1. I am forced to make healthy choices, which directly has impacted my overall health.  If I was still living the way I did before, I would be on cholesterol meds.

2.  My hormones and PMDD are under control!!! I can live month to month without dreading my PMS and emotional outbursts that my family suffered from.

3. I am setting a positive and healthy example for my family.  Childhood obesity and diabetes are on the rise, and I know that if I still ate the way I did before, then my family would as well. But now they make healthy choices as I do.  They love to move and be active, and I am able to keep up with them.

4. I get to share my struggles with other women who don’t see an answer or a way to deal with their weight or image issues.  I can share my story, encourage and offer solutions that may not have presented themselves otherwise.

5. All of these struggles have led me to a place of reliance on God and acceptance of who I am as His child!

6.  It has led me to this incredible group of coaches I call my team!

7.  I have almost MATCHED my monthly income as a college instructor through this part time gig!!! This little side hobby that people laughed at in the beginning!

One of the reasons I chose to give coaching a try is because I knew I would struggle.

To remain consistent.
To keep the weight off.
To NOT go back to my old ways.
To fight self-indulgence.

I almost didn’t coach, because I felt like I lacked the self esteem to do so.  But thank God I have learned to place my self worth in more than my outward appearance!!

I shared this on my social media last night.

For too long, I tried to love myself from the outside – in… 
Trust me, it doesn’t work. Trying to achieve the “perfect” body to try to make yourself feel better about who you are as a person. 
Coaching scared me at first. I just knew all coaches were gonna fit and fabulous, and it intimidated me.
I will never be “skinny”. I just look sick when I lose too much weight.

I will never have a “flat” tummy. I didn’t before I had kids, and now I have a huge scar and extra skin. And honestly, most women have rolls when they sit. 

I will never be a size 2. (Side note, did you know that by US standards, I am considered “plus” size??? Yep!!!) And I am ok with all of that!!! I love my body more today after two children, lots more cellulite, and at age 35.5 than I ever have! 

God has used this community of coaching and encouraging others to teach me that I am PERFECT just the way I am!

Am I still tempted to compare? Sure! But I quickly snap out of it, and remind myself that as a woman, this body with all it’s battle scars, is pretty stinking amazing!
And so is YOURS!!! Believe it. Stop doubting it. Embrace it!!! 
And now, I am growing a team of women with the same goals.  To share ways to get fit and healthy the natural way. To help women find financial freedom to live their lives by design.  To help moms find a way to stay home with their children while encouraging and uplifting other moms!

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Do you love health and fitness?
Do you have that drive to make a difference?
Do you need the extra income or just want to contribute to your family’s income by doing something worthwhile?
Are you a go-getter and ready to tackle something amazing?

To all those out there that are unhappy in your current situation or looking for something more fulfilling, don’t ever stop! You never know… Your dream career could be RIGHT in front of you and you don’t even know it yet. ðŸ™Œ

**Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.
I am expanding my team with 5 new coaches this month, and I am inviting YOU to join me!  I will be sharing more about what I do as a coach in a private online Facebook group.  My team and I  will share how we got started, why we coach, how we earn money and how you can join us!! There are big things ahead, and I want to help you get started NOW!!!   We kick off our 3 day group on April 25th.  To join us, click HERE.

I know there are tons of opportunities out there.  Some that don’t require a lot of work and some that require a ton!  I just encourage you to find something you love. Something that lights your fire and makes you excited to get up everyday!!!
Coaching has done that for me.  And God is allowing me to use my struggles to build a business and contribute to my family’s well being!!!

Won’t you join us?  We have a ton of fun!!!
Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.


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