80 Days Braver
I try not to weigh everyday. I encourage my challengers not to weigh everyday.
Why? Because it’s not a true reflection of what is happening with your body. Our monthly period, stress, muscle growth and loss, as well as a host of other things can cause a woman’s weight to fluctuate up and down often.
But I do encourage you to MEASURE. And TAKE PICTURES, because so often the changes are happening slowly, day by day, and you cannot see them.

And what do we do when we don’t see changes happening quickly enough?
We tend to QUIT! Throw in the towel. Say this isn’t working and I’m just gonna eat the Oreos, because the scale is not my friend.
Ever found yourself DOING this before???? Yeah, I thought so. YOu’re not alone (sometimes it’s important to hear that).
My Transformation
So when it was time to weigh, measure, snap my Phase 4 progress, I was BLOWN away by the fact my body has CHANGED with this program.

Changed to the tune of:
I’m down 9 inches overall and 4 lbs!
I didn’t realize that I had let the bad habits creep in so slowly and that I even HAD 9 inches to lose.
But I did. And I’m thankful for the fact that this program has forced me to refocus and take true ownership of my choices.
The Commitment
What have I been doing exactly to get the results?
- 20-30 minute workouts (I’ve been doubling up some days)
- Cycling my nutrition – phasing the types of food I eat to keep my body guessing
- Morning quiet time and INVITING God into the choices I make at the START of each day (game changer)
- Checking into my virtual accountability group to stay committed to finishing strong and leading by example.
As I do with all new workout programs I commit to, I pray for a focus. For God to use the commitment, the workouts, the nutrition to reveal areas of my life I can grow stronger, and I pray for a scripture verse to accompany my quest.
“Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it.” Ezra 10:4
Any new journey takes courage, but after struggling with my self control all summer and taking on the task of leading other women to do what I felt so weak to do, this verse has brought me STRENGTH!
Because truly, we all know WHAT to do to get healthier, right?
It’s just the matter of taking action and sticking with it.
And I’m here to tell you sweet sister. You know WHAT to do! So, RISE up, take COURAGE and do it! Me and my tribe are here to support you if you’re ready to go!
Leave me a comment below if you’d like to chat courage, goals and taking action!
I have 20 more workouts to complete this program and I’m committing to doing it WELL!