30 Day Elimination Challenge
A few weeks ago, my coach (love her!) reached out to me and a few other leaders on our team and asked if we would be interested {BRAVE enough ;o} to get really focused in our health and getting some results with systems that we already KNOW work for us during the month of November.
What We Are Eliminating
She presented it as a
“team elimination program. Eliminate negativity, eliminate sugary foods as well as dairy and grains.”
From November 6-December 4 we are going to follow a 4 week meal plan using higher fat, lower carbs as well as our portion containers and follow specific workouts. Including brand-NEW workouts from a program launching in January….which I’m SUPER excited to share about…as well as from the 21 Day Fix Extreme.
Not only that!! But we are also receiving SPECIAL treatment from some of the TOP trainers in our business. Chris Downing, Autumn Calabrese and other nutrition experts are going to give us a weekly pep talk to keep us focused and getting results.
Why Now?
I know EXACTLY what you’re thinking! Why now, Rachel? With the Thanksgiving holiday, the craziness of life, even throwing Milo’s birthday in there! Why would I commit to 30 days of clean eating, with no cheats, no wine, not pie, etc.!
Because I CAN and NEED to refocus! After a trip to England, some awesome food and drinks, and a slip here or there, it is so easy for ME…Coach Rachel…to lose focus. And I know I can be healthy and have balance and enjoy all the holiday treats and then get back on track. I mean, it IS what I teach my team of ladies and challengers to do for themselves.
But, truthfully, I have tried the whole “Balance” thing before at the holidays, and my human nature tends to lean more towards balancing a whole lot of pie and dressing with a little bit of clean eating. And it gets me off track, and it makes me feel miserable.
And part of me, the competitive side of ole Rach, just wants to prove that I CAN! To show others that change is possible, even for this fried chicken loving, carrot cake eating, carb hogging individual too!
And as I’ve been reading Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio, God is speaking over my heart about some strongholds in my life that I MUST push through in order to grow closer to Him. Food is and always will be one of those “giants” in my life, and my goal as an individual is to conquer it with the help of God. I’m excited to dive into His word more and discover what He is saying and the direction He wants me to take in this walk of life!
The Food
And clean eating does NOT have to mean deprivation by any means! I’m still going to make Thanksgiving meals, enjoy some of my favorite foods, and I’m even UPPING my calorie intake to make sure I get enough of the foods my body needs while I follow the workout programs! Here is my meal plan for Week 1
And not only are we doing this for ourselves, but we are also creating a curriculum that we will use for our OWN challengers and coaches come January! So, taking care of me ultimately means I am creating systems and meal plans that my team and future challengers can implement too!
Why Not You?
Don’t worry…I’m not going to ask you to go cold turkey through the holidays with me ;). But I would ask you this:
What kind of shape do you want to be in come Christmas morning or New Years Day?
Wouldn’t it be amazing to wake up feeling healthier and happier than you’ve ever been?
Only YOU can give yourself that gift! And you need to start working towards it NOW!
I’m opening registration for the next round of my Healthy for the Holidays health + fitness challenge early because spots are limited and it will be my LAST challenge group of the year!! There will be:
– Meal plans
– Clean recipes
– Portion Control (eating the right amount of the right foods for YOUR personal goals and needs)
– Holiday balance (eat all you want on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, but commit to getting back on track!)
-30 minute workouts from home that are EFFECTIVE
– Accountability + encouragement from yours truly- I won’t let you quit!
– Excluisive community and access to an app to track it all
– Daily devotions and focus from God’s word
It IS possible to get healthy and fit during the holidays, I promise! If I can do it, I know you can do it too! Don’t question if now is the right time, because there will ALWAYS be excuses. Fill out the application below and let’s do it together!