
3 Day Refresh…How It Went For ME!

3 Day Refresh…How It Went For ME!

I was definitely a little anxious about doing this refresh.  I’ve heard people talk about things like this before, and it always sounded a little intense and not so appetizing.  Terms like “liquid diet” or “chugging it down” did not sound appealing.  Well, I was very relieved to find that the 3 Day Refresh was nothing like that!!! Score!

I was definitely less than excited…

The goal of the plan is to do a few things:

  1. Help you lose weight to kick start a workout or diet plan.
  2. Help you detox from sugar, carbs, salt, etc.  All of those things that can set you back when you’re trying to stay on track.
  3. To provide your body with the essentials to keep it going strong and to reset your digestive system if it’s off track from rich foods.
My goal in doing this was not to lose weight, but to get my body off of the food high I had taken it on during Thanksgiving week.  Going into the refresh, I was bloated, cranky, and just OFF!  By the time I started it on Saturday, I was READY to get back to what my body considers to be the norm!

Day 1 
It went a little smoother than I expected.  I didn’t really get hungry until mid-afternoon.  I may or may not have cheated by having a little piece of chicken (no meat in the 3 Day Refresh)…But that was my only indiscretion, I promise!  The Fiber Sweep is a daily fiber drink, and it actually tasted really good!!! You have to drink it quickly though, because the consistency changes within five minutes.

Day 2
I knew what to expect, so I was more prepared for when hunger struck that afternoon.  I drank a LOT of water, and drank my green tea as suggested.  This went a long way in satisfying me.

Real Food!!!!

Day 3
By Day 3, I was hungry.  Not ravenous, but I definitely missed my boiled eggs and meat!  I know for sure after this that I could never venture over into the life of a vegetarian!! No problem with other people doing it, but I LOVE MY CHICKEN!!!! I was a little tired at the end of the third day, but honestly, I expected to feel so much worse.  I was surprised at how satisfied I was for most of the day, and I felt SO much better!!!!

So, here are the final Results…

Sorry, my mirror is super dirty..

My cravings for sweets and carbs are definitely much weaker now! I feel, for lack of a better word, REFRESHED! I could NOT believe that I lost 4 lbs.  I was not expecting to.  I am pretty sure a lot of that was water weight, because I feel much less bloated. 

The biggest thing for me was that my meals were not entirely liquid.  I could never do a liquid detox and survive with my sanity!  I got to eat real food at every meal and in my snacks as well!  Yes, I was hungry at times and missed my chicken and eggs, but I will definitely do the refresh again.  It was absolutely worth it to flush my system of all the toxic foods that affect my emotions and hormones!!! 

Back on track today and sticking with my clean eating!!! Happy girl.

If you have questions about the refresh, EMAIL me!  You can also learn more about it HERE.


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