My 3 Day Detox Results and Moving Forward!
As a coach, it’s always little hard to share honestly? Why? My job is to help other women get fit. To love their bodies. To make changes that reflect our belief in our VALUE and not in our image. But I have been struggling lately myself. I found myself in a place where I was NOT eating like I loved myself….portions out of control, late night snacking, excuses about Summer being the culprit 🙄, more caffeine than water some days….and I just don’t FEEL good!
➕I was more tired than normal, because of my choices….
➕My face was broken out, because of my choices…
➕My stomach was bloated and my pants don’t fit well., because of my choices….
And while I had a pity party for a few minutes, I quickly switched gears and got EXCITED! Cause I LOVE being reminded I’m human. That I need to reboot sometimes just like my bootcampers too. That my body and what I do with it is not about me, but it’s an act of WORSHIP and acknowledging I need my Savior to help me stay consistent is FREEING!!!!
So today I began a 3 day detox to regain focus. To regain control. To remind myself that my body is VALUED and highly loved by my Creator.
I don’t train hard and eat well to look a certain way (that’s just a perk 😉)….I do it so I can live the BEST life I can and do all that God called me to do!
My detox was three days of a very specific plan. It comes as a kit with shakes for each day and a meal planner that tells me EXACTLY what to eat! (Thank you from this busy mama!)
The plan consists of protein, veggies, fruits and healthy fats! Eliminating sugar, caffeine animal proteins and most carbs! It’s quick. Not exactly easy, if I’m being honest! But it’s mostly a mindset issue…
My Results
And in three days, the bloat was gone! I dropped 3 lbs, and my head and focus is so much clearer! It feels good to see the scale move again, because honestly, it’s been very STUCK! But these three days were about REST, prayer for recommitting to CONSISTENCY in my health, and just being still before God when I normally am moving NON STOP!
I also teamed up with some girlfriends to make the challenge more fun, and we ALL killed it together! We have had so many people ask us about our program that we’ve decided to host a 3 Day Detox group for anyone interested! Leave your info below if you would like to join us!
What’s Next?
I did take some time Friday night during movie night to chat with Matt and the boys about a meal plan for this first week of my LIFt & HIIT program. I hear so many women say their families won’t support their healthier choices and they give up!
And like I encouraged my bootcamp sisters today, it takes time. It takes talking to them a LOT about what you’re doing and WHY! My boys love to be included in ANYTHING I’m doing, so simply asking them what they want mama to cook for them next week is an open door to invite them into the journey! And because I haven’t shared my meal plan in a long while here, I’m sharing it now! Cause I know it can help another sister!
And Day 1 is going great! My Fit Tribe and I are goal oriented, prayed up and focused on making our fitness about honoring our Creator and not just losing weight! If you’ve ever told yourself you don’t have TIME 🕝to be healthy, but you WANT to be…..then LISTEN up!!
I’m looking for women who will COMMIT to
➕ 4 workouts a week (just 30 minutes each!)
➕ SIMPLE nutrition that let’s you LIVE LIFE! {HELLO treat meals!}
➕ A Sisterhood of women to hold you accountable
➕ 3 REST days! (or for running, or spinning or just plain ole REST!!!)
My MISSION is to help women overcome the excuses, and make a PLAN that works for a LONG time! Not just a week or two and we walk away defeated and discouraged!
You CAN make healthy changes sister.
You DO NOT have to let fitness dictate your life!
It can actually ENHANCE your life and make it BETTER!!!! 🏋️♀️
A small investment in yourself just MIGHT change your life forever!
If you’re tired of circling the mountain of self – defeat, let’s STOP! Invite God into this and let’s conquer it with a system and program that WORKS! Just apply below! I’m adding 5 new women to the bootcamp each week!