Week 4 Elimination Recap
I believe that it is my duty to help other women change their perspective on body image and themselves. I want to be that girl that empowers women to be comfortable in their skin. But it cannot happen if I’m not comfortable in my own.
And I need to be honest, that before I started this Elimination Program, I had gotten back to a place of uncertainty. Worrying about whether this bite of food would make the scale change. Looking in the mirror and not liking who I saw. Obsessing about the number on the scale and if my pants didn’t button as easily as I wanted them to.
I’m not proud of that confession, but I think it’s important. Especially as a Jesus loving girl who professes the VALUE and WORTH we have in our Savior. But even we forget and need reminded.
And something about this 30 days and the challenge to really dig deep, to evaluate my behaviors and “extras”, and to TRY new things reignited something deep within me.
It brought me back to that place I was as a brand new challenger in May of 2014.
I remember pushing play on my first workout. Remember the FEAR of falling flat on my face.
I remember wanting to PUKE about halfway through that first workout.
I remember CRYING at the end, because I was ABSOLUTELY brought to my knees by the fact that I was OUT…OF.. SHAPE!
But you wanna hear the EXCITING part??? I remember pushing Play a SECOND time…and a THIRD.
I may not have started strong.
I did NOT have the drive and will power you see today.
I most definitely SKIPPED many workouts and thought about QUITTING no less than 27 times that first month, but the important thing is that I DIDN’T.
I armed myself with the BEST tools I could find – workouts I could from HOME while my kids slept, superfoods for energy and cravings, learned portion control, and accountability to keep me going when I didn’t want to.
And most importantly, God’s word that told me I WAS WORTH IT! and it was HIS power that made me STRONG!
And, As my coach recently said, “I CAN DO HARD THINGS FOR THE GOOD OF OTHERS!!!”
My Results
I did NOT lose weight at ALL during these 30 days. And I am HAPPY with that. My goal was to tone, gain control of what was going into my body, and really learn some things about how my body responds to food!
I DID lose 5 inches in my waist and hips. {Insert happy dance!} And my stomach is so much happier without dairy, grains, and sugar! I allowed myself a few treats the week of Thanksgiving, and I ENJOYED them, but it was right back on track with my challengers after the holiday, and I am THANKFUL for that extra accountability!
What Next?
Here’s my plan for next week! I’m still following my Elmination Plan – no dairy, no grains, no sugar! (With the exception of adding in Ezekiel bread one day to see how my body reacts). And I’m doing some research into Timed Nutrition (which I’ll share soon).
And I WILL have a cheat next weekend most likely. We are going to be in Nashville, so I’ll save up for something yummy!
I’m going to continue Intermittent Fasting, because I can tell a big difference in my metabolism. And it hasn’t been very hard for me to make it work. I’m going 14 hours without eating between evening and my morning shake.
I’m continuing my Bullet Proof coffee, because my body seems to love the extra fat and my brain is so much clearer when I do it!
My team and some new women are preparing for a Brand New Workout program releasing this month, and my focus is staying consistent and getting stronger for that. And helping them do the same!
I feel STRONGER than I ever have on this journey! I was sharing last night that it’s so important to figure out what works for YOU! If you’ve been portioning for a while according to 21 Day Fix measurements and it’s not working, maybe it’s time to try the Shift Shop meal plan. That’s pretty much what mine is with some added healthy fats.
Where Will Your Journey Begin?
Sometimes I reflect on this crazy journey and cannot believe that ONE decision to do something has led to this!
➕Being in the best shape of my life at 37.
➕Part of a team of women who are fighting for their health.
➕Fighting to encourage and empower other busy women to grow in Courage and Confidence in their own bodies.
➕Share the FACT that God loves us and our bodies beyond what we could imagine!
➕Friendships with brave courageous women that inspire me DAILY!
It stars with YOU!
It starts with ONE DECISION!
I didn’t believe in myself then, but someone did! And today, I BELIEVE in You! Will you do me a favor for a minute, and believe in yourself?? That’s all it takes to begin.
“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” Psalm 31:24
As my coach recently said, “I CAN DO HARD THINGS FOR THE GOOD OF OTHERS!!!”
7 Day Grace Filled Christmas Bootcamp
Grace! This season is so wonderful! And I’m reminded more than ever!!! That Grace and Love came down at Christmastime! And i know that in this busy season, we women don’t allow ourselves enough grace in the choices we make! Me included.
What you get from ME :
▪️ 7 Day Clean Eating Meal Plan
▪️ 7 Days of Workouts + For ANY Fitness Level
▪️ Daily Inspiration & Health & Fitness Tips
▪️ A community of like-minded women to inspire you
▪️ Surprises & FUN Contests
– Oh, and 7 Days of NO SCALE {slipped that one in on ya 😉 }
We cannot live in FREEDOM and GRACE if we’re CHAINED to a scale that does not measure anything but our physical mass.
So you IN?!?! If so, send me your info below and I’ll get back with you!