2018 Goals & Vision
I watched so many other women for years start these “at home” businesses. I watched them market and sell and and invite me into their homes. I even invited them into my own home for parties and to earn fun stuff. And I was so proud for them. But I knew that wasn’t for me.
I watched them earn and go on exotic trips, and while I was intrigued, the idea of “selling” anything was completely something I knew I didn’t want to do.
Looking back now, I see a lot of fear of rejection at the heart of my thinking. But I also see God’s hand at work. He was refining me and preparing me for a greater work in me than I could imagine!
Becoming a coach was also something I NEVER thought I would want to do. Being responsible for my own business. Setting my own hours and performing and relying on my own efforts to build a successful business sounded tedious to me.
God’s Ways Are Higher
But, enter in God’s plan!
I love that He makes a way where there seems to be no way…or in my case no initiative :0!
I work to build a successful business, to help others, to earn an income, but most importantly to make Him known.
All the success I achieve is yet another opportunity to praise the One who gives the success! My team and I are growing and among the top 100 teams in our corporations network. My team is AMAZING and a total and complete separate blog post in their own. These women show up! Work hard and make PEOPLE their mission. I was sharing with them today as we are on the precipice of realizing a HUGE goal for 2017 that it’s WILD how just ONE choice can have such a huge ripple effect.
3.5 years ago, I was looking for a way to lose weight. I found it, and it worked!
Then I was looking for a way to maintain it and stay consistent…and maybe earn a little extra cash. So I said yes to coaching with no real goals in mind. Daily, I show up, work this business in the pockets of time I have around my family and my teaching job and slowly and intentionally, I have built a business I could be PROUD of.
I have learned and failed a LOT!
Learn More About Team Take Heart!
And our team is different than others. We move at a difference pace…don’t get me wrong, we HUSTLE hard! But SUCCESS by the world’s definition is NOT our goal.
Our goal is to work hard, pray harder, and help others. And if we grow and see success, we give God ALL the credit!
My team and I have been talking about some POSITIVES in our businesses today. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle, and the goals – achieved and missed – and miss the MAGIC that’s happening right in front of us everyday. 🎉
Case in point – I just talked to a precious sister who wants to do something in her health and was brave enough to admit that it’s TOUGH to do it alone….that takes COURAGE! If I get to be a small part of her story. If God uses me to encourage her in ANY way, then I’m inching closer to my BEST SELF and becoming the WARRIOR He called me to be.
My team is currently waiting to hear if we hit a HUGE goal in 2017 ⭐️
⭐️, and I’m reminded that while that’s super exciting, it’s really the Day-to-Day victories that are making the biggest impact.
I’m looking for more sister in the faith that want to:
⭐️ Be a part of a community of holy hustlers
⭐️ Get fit together
⭐️ BOLDLY share what God is doing in their own lives
⭐️ Encourage and uplift others using faith and fitness to do so.
⭐️ Build an income working from home or in your “pockets” of time like I have.
If that sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, I’m hosting an obligation-free behind the scenes look into my team and what I do as a coach on Saturday! If you want to come learn more about possibly claiming a 1:1 mentorship with me, click here and I’ll add you to that private group!