100 Days to 2023

I am inviting you to join me in 100 days to 2023 starting Wednesday, September 23 through the end of the year. I am asking myself what could change if I committed to sticking to time in the Word and a goal or two for 100 days.
For each of the 100 days, I will post a verse (or two) through Psalm 119 to slowly and intentionally marinate on God’s Word. Nestled almost exactly in the middle of God’s Word, this 176 verse chapter (the longest in the Bible) is focused on the power, truth and necessity of God’s Word. God’s Word in some form is mentioned in nearly all of the 176 verses.
I’ve included some tools and resources below if you would like to join me.

Those are all your resources! You can also use the link below to find them in one place! Here’s to the LAST 100 Days!

- The longest single chapter in the Bible with 176 verses.
- It is found near the center of the Bible.
- Focus on the truth and necessity of the Word of God.
- The Word of God is mentioned in nearly all of the 176 verses.
- Variety of terms used for God’s Word throughout – law, testimonies, precepts, statues, way, decrees, promise, commandments, judgments, word, ordinances
- Author unknown, but most widely thought to be King David or Ezra (the priest at the time the temple was being rebuilt).
- It was likely written over a period of time rather than one sitting.
- It is written in an acrostic poem. There are eight lines for each of the 22 stanzas following the 22 Hebrew letters in the alphabet.